I love lemon drizzle cake. It's really wonderful, and not so hard to make, and in my experience, (almost) everyone loves lemony cake. As I make this cake often enough, I made some adjustments to it, to see if the people who like it a lot could find it in them to like it even more!
Inspired by my labmate's love of lemon and poppyseed cake from the canteen (I'm impressed, they didn't mess up the cake), I threw a teaspoon of poppy seeds into the cake batter and baked like normal. The seeds give a gentle bite to the cake, it's really wonderful.
In addition, my beloved's favourite part of the cake is the lemon drizzle part (and quite a few other people, I've found), so I doubled up on the lemons to make his face pucker up even more. I used the juice of two lemons for the drizzle but the same amount of sugar. The centre of the cake is the most dangerous for those of us who like moderately (rather than insanely) tangy cake, I have yet to master the art of getting the drizzle to hang around the edges. As the cake top is a bit wetter with the extra juice, only dust it with icing sugar right before you plan to show off.
The above pictured cake was dusted with icing sugar twice, once before heading to the university for my sister's graduation (yay! she's got a PhD now, in microbiology though, yucky), and then again when we got home and were about to eat the cake. The cake didn't last long, but that's ok, cause when you get a PhD, many people make cake, so there was carrot cake, caramel squares, and cheesecake too!